CIDology | Nation's #1 Leader in HOA Revitalization


Our systems clarify property condition, encompassing repair and funding strategies to maintain properties affordably and at their highest value.

  • Our web based system creates a 3D interactive environment which has been lacking in this industry.
  • In the USA there are approximately 315,000 CID’s with 65 million residential/commercial units. These numbers will increase due to evolving building and population trends. As these properties age, the financial and repair challenges facing these communities tend to become more and more complicated.
  • Our services simplify this process, reduce costs to our clients and help them understand all aspects of their community including physical, financial assets and liabilities in a web based environment.
  • CIDology solves the problems of boards and property managers by combining multiple databases of vendors and contractors into one easy access – providing transparency and understanding to all stakeholders.

At CIDology, we are the best at condo, HOA, building, and property assessments.

With the clarity these systems provide and the resources our experience can access, the opportunities available become visible and actionable. We know what can and can’t be done – focusing on meaningful goals for your property.

Years of experience solving construction related issues has developed an INSIGHT into methods that work. We have put that INSIGHT to use for our clients and created systems that allow all parties to “Think Visually” as they collaborate to solutions.

If you can’t easily access and understand your current “Plan”, do you really have one?

Property Condition Analysis + Financial + Repair Strategies


“Think Visually,” all information is presented in both simplified overview and fine detail which has been found to generate understanding and consensus within diverse levels of understanding or expertise. Decisions are easier, transparent throughout.

Property – Our Clients

Although designed with Common Interest Developments in mind, any large scale property can benefit from CIDology; including those who manage large numbers of properties. CIDology’s process allows for aggregation and bundling of resources, building unprecedented clarity, knowledge, collaboration, succession, and property value enhancement; all contributing to the value of your property.