Future Planning and Succession

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Future Planning and Succession - CIDologyOver the years we have witnessed the difficulties HOA’s experience as they struggle to get their arms around a set of issues, then push to gather momentum and get something done only to see the information and understanding generated fade away as time passes and new Board members or management come aboard and they confront their then current issues. Previously there was no good system to transfer or illustrate history and provide a road map of how the property was imagined to operate, what previous decisions were based on, the things learned from experience and valuable lessons of what did work and what didn’t so that others could benefit from previous efforts.  This lack represents a huge loss of resources and in today’s difficult economy seems tremendously wasteful.  We encourage all those who own and operate large scale HOA properties to seek out methods to retain future planning efforts and provide for those who will come next in an easily retrieved process so that it will be used.

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